Pupil Premium Welcome and Information
From April 2011 the Government introduced "The Pupil Premium Grant". Schools receive this allocation in addition to their School Budget.
The Grant is allocated to maintained schools via their Local Authority, to help ensure pupils reach their full potential both academically and socially.
Funds are currently allocated using figures obtained from Census as follows :
- £1320 per pupil for each Ever 6 FSM (pupils who have had an entitlement to free school meals in the last 6 years)
- £1900 per pupil for each post LAC (post Looked After Child) in year groups Reception - Year 6
- £300 for each pupil aged 4 and over in year groups Reception - Year 6 who is either Ever 6 service child or in receipt of pensions under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme (AFCS) and The War Pensions Scheme (WPS)