Ince CE Primary and Nursery School is led by the light of Jesus within us all, guiding us on our individual journeys through life, so that we can grow and learn together to shine as one throughout our wider community. #Let your light shine
Children In Need Reminder: We will be in support of Children in Need on Friday 18th November. Children can wear non-uniform and something Spotty if possible. Volunteer contributions are welcome to raise money for Children in Need
Parent Governor Vacancy We have a vacancy for a parent governor which we need to fill as soon as possible. Further details are on the school website on the Governor page.
Ince CE Road Safety #LetYourLightShine *Road Closure* An amazing start to our school day this morning with zero cars passing through. This enabled a safe and peaceful environment for our children and families. Thank you to the local authority and external agencies for your support.