Ince CE Primary & Nursery School

Ince CE Primary and Nursery School is led by the light of Jesus within us all, guiding us on our individual journeys through life, so that we can grow and learn together to shine as one throughout our wider community. #Let your light shine


Charles Street

01942 704129

  1. News
  2. Flu Nasal Vaccination Consent Form

Flu Nasal Vaccination Consent Form

26 September 2024 (by admin)

Parents and Carers Reminder

The deadline for returning consent forms for your child to receive the vaccine was yesterday, 25th September.

We have a considerable amount of forms missing. If you have not already, can you please return your form as a matter of urgency.

Children will be given the vaccine in school on Wednesday 6th November 2024.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the vaccine please read the leaflet attached to the consent form or contact the immunisation team on 0333 358 3397.

Thank you for your support.