⭐️ATTENDANCE UPDATE FOR PARENTS & CARERS⭐️13 November 2023 (by admin) |
Important message for parents regarding child attendance in school.
It is really important that your child attends school well in November and December.
If children do not attend school well, they will out on a wide range of fun activities, learning and anti-bullying and Christmas experiences!
All children with below 90% attendance will be classed as PERSISTENT ABSENT. This is a huge concern as research says that poor attendance in school can lead to children struggling in future education and employment.
Children who are classes as PERSISTENT ABSENT will be contacted in the next 2 weeks and asked to attend meetings with Miss Thomas, Mrs Traynor, Miss Darlington and Mr Fletcher.
Please ensure your child attends school every day this week, and up until the Christmas holidays. It is in the best interest of them now and in the future.
Please let us know if there are any reasons why your child is not attending school regularly and we will be delighted to help and all of the support needed.
Mr Fletcher