Ince CE Primary & Nursery School

Ince CE Primary and Nursery School is led by the light of Jesus within us all, guiding us on our individual journeys through life, so that we can grow and learn together to shine as one throughout our wider community. #Let your light shine


Charles Street

01942 704129


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  SIAMS 22-23 INSPECTION 'We are EXCELLENT!'        RWM 2023 Y6: Outstanding RWM Results!        KS2 Outstanding RWM Progress Measures!      OFSTED 2023 Personal Development is Outstanding!!!

Dear Parents/Guardians,

I am delighted to be communicating to you as the Executive Headteacher of Ince C of E Primary and Nursery School. I lead a dedicated and experienced team, who are passionate about providing children with an outstanding rounded education in a loving and supportive environment. Our vision at Ince CE Primary and Nursery School is to enable our children,  families, staff and wider community to ‘let their lights shine’ and we find innovative ways to achieve this. As you would expect from a church school, we underpin all we do with our core values of truthfulness, thankfulness, hope, forgiveness, courage and justice. I’m incredibly proud of our curriculum which enables all children to thrive and ‘live life in all its fullness’. A closer look at the curriculum section on our website will provide you with an extensive overview of our INCE curriculum which we know Inspires, Nurtures, Challenges and Enriches our children. Our three termly drivers are heritage, which gives our children a sense of belonging and pride in their locality. In the spring term our driver is enlightenment, which gives children the opportunity to explore what the world has to offer and be inspired from significant global individuals. In the summer term the children become advocates on an issue that they have learnt about through the academic year; this enables them to be light in the darkness in line with our vision. We have worked hard in providing  children with a stimulating environment that they can thrive in. When Ince library was closed we managed to raise money for a state of the art library, which is open not only to our children but also to our children’s families and wider community. We are incredibly blessed to have an extensive forest school, that we have developed in partnership with start well children centre and our local nomad ranges. All children in school have the opportunity to learn and explore what outdoor learning has to offer alongside experience forest school leaders. I am also delighted to be able to offer sessions to community groups in partnership with our Start Well Centre. To find out more please see our communication page on the menu above.  From time to time we may experience challenges which mean we need support. At Ince CE Primary and Nursery School we have a wealth of experience from trained and specialist staff to support children and our families with whatever they are facing.  We have a team of Trauma Informed Practitioners, a highly effective SENDCO, a warm and competent Pastoral Team and not forgetting our popular therapy dog Pippa.  By the time our children leave us they are fully prepared for the next stage of their education. We work hard to develop our school competencies of confidence, curiosity, collaboration, communication, creativity, commitment and craftsmanship  in each and every child. It is impossible to capture all that our school has to offer in a welcome message, so feel free to browse our website at your leisure or even better contact the school and we would be happy to arrange a tour of our school and a more detailed conversation. To all our current families: I am excited about what the future holds for you at our school and to our prospective families I hope to meet you very soon and to start our education journey together.

If you would like to learn more about the school, please feel free to make an appointment to visit where a warm welcome will await you. Welcome to Ince C of E Primary School.

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